About The Journey Home Appearance

*** If you missed the episode, you can click here to see it online. ***

Several weeks ago, I was invited to be the guest on EWTN’s ‘The Journey Home’ program for the episode that aired Monday, April 4th, 2016.  To say that I was excited about the invite is an enormous understatement.

While the show airs on EWTN, it is produced by The Coming Home Network.  The folks there are positively amazing.  Each one is smarter and nicer then the next.

In the picture above, it may seem like Marcus and I are roughly the same height, but he’s actually at least 4 or 5 inches taller than I am — a big, gentle bear of a man.  I assume he has had his seat lowered to make his guests feel more comfortable.  A gesture like that would certainly match his personality: welcoming, kind, and genuine.

The purpose of the show was to tell my story, and I had a lot to say – with a fixed amount of time to say it in – so I tried to stay on topic.  Frankly, I would have loved to have just bounced back and forth with him regarding Scripture.  Perhaps another day…

All in all, it was a wonderful experience and I wish I lived close to the studio.  I’d hang out with these guys all the time.  It’s just like Bible study…lots of love in the air.


7 thoughts on “About The Journey Home Appearance

  1. I just heard half of this life on IHeart Radio on EWTN. The half I heard was amazing! I cannot wait to hear the first part of the segment. I am a convert too and this brought so many good memories of my own journey when decided to come to the Catholic Church! Thank you!

  2. Loved the coming Home segment so much I watched it twice. Greg’s story would be helpful to a 90yr-old man I am medical power of attorney for in his journey from agnosticism to a belief there is a God. Thank you.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed your talk with Marcus Grodi. I began my reversion to Catholic faith 4 years ago and am always looking for material to help others come into or come back to the faith. Your use of logic from an objective point of view is inspiring and I am pleased God is working through you in this way. God bless you.

    Mike Quintanilla

  4. I share your same thought pattern! I totally LOVED when you referenced the Eucharist and the manna in Old Testament and how it is impossible for it to be anything less than the real presence…Light bulb! That totally makes it impossible to be regarded as a mere symbol! Thank you for sharing your story. You did an excellent job in making sense out of a journey coming home. Many blessings!

  5. I just finished watching your etwn journey home appearance and I cried uncontrollably while you were talking about manna and eucharist in John 6.
    That exact phrase made a big mysterious impact on me today at my bible study and now this.

    God bless

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